The story starts with Hazel Grace, an average teenage girl but with all sorts of cancer and defective lungs who is depressed enough to attend a support group. There, he catches the eye of Augustus Waters, a cancer survivor with only one leg and that's where there friendship starts. They would talk about everything. Hazel Grace and Augustus even shared their favorite books, An Imperial Affliction for Hazel Grace and The Price of Dawn for Augustus and they were both obsessed with An Imperial Affliction's ending that didn't even end because it literally ended in the middle of a sentence
Augustus best friend, Isaac, also a cancer patient who has defective eyes and soon will be blind to clear his cancer. He had a girlfriend who broke up with him because she can't deal with Isaac being blind. So yeah, definitely not true love. Isaac would break every single trophy in Augustus's room. Hazel and Augustus would flirt by texting "Okay? Okay" to each other. Sweet.
Hazel Grace used to write letters to Peter Van Houten regarding the ending of the book and what happened to the characters in it, but sadly, Van Houten never replied. However, when Augustus wrote a letter to Van Houten, his assistant, replied to him and even invited them to go to Amsterdam to met Peter Van Houten, and to be able to go there, Augustus is willing to spend his "wish" for this trip. It took a lot of persuasion to Hazel's parents but still managed to go to Amsterdam with Hazel's mom in tow.
Peter Van Houten wasn't really what they thought would be because he's actually a mean drunk but then they still had fun together. They went to Anne Frank's house, had some nice dinner and a steamy night. You know it. But then, Augustus dropped the bomb, his cancer made a major comeback, and when they returned to Indianapolis, it's obvious that Augustus's life is in great danger. Augustus asked his friend Isaac and Hazel to write him a eulogy and deliver it in front of him.
When Augustus died, Hazel was shocked to see Peter Van Houten in Augustus memorial. There she talked to him, reluctantly, only to found out that Peter Van Houten had a daughter who also died in cancer. Isaac also told her that Augustus wrote something for her, only to find out that it was a eulogy for her. Hazel was also relieved because she found out that her mom is taking classes and she's happy because there will still be a life for her parents after she dies.
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